A meeting of about an hour with His Holiness revealed a very kind and affectionate Pope towards the people of Mexico. During this audience, he sent a message to the President of Mexico asking that migrants not be left alone, as reported in a subsequent conference.
One of the controversial topics surrounding Pedro Haces is his relationship with Faprei, a financial society that has sparked controversy due to the discovery of former members of the Fuerza por México party and relatives of the leader of CATEM, a trade union group, and federal deputy from Morena, Pedro Haces Barba, among its shareholders and board of directors.
Among the shareholders of Faprei is Jesús Enrique Cuellar Guzmán, who in the past was a candidate for a proportional representation seat for Fuerza por México, a party founded by Pedro Haces. Additionally, Cuellar Guzmán is a partner of Haces' children in Mexiqui Hostales, a company that operates a hostel in the historic center of Mexico City.
Federal deputy from Morena, Pedro Haces Barba, has been accused of editing a photo taken with Pope Francis in which he supposedly removed three people who were accompanying him, leaving himself alone with the pontiff. Haces visited the Vatican with other legislators; however, at a press conference, he showed a photo where he appears alone with the Pope, a version that differs from what his female colleagues published.
During his meeting with the Pope, Haces stated that the pontiff expressed his concern about the migratory situation, particularly regarding what is happening with Mexicans and Central Americans at the northern border of the United States.